Prone Spinal Extension
For Pottenger’s Saucer and unequal arm length
A. Lay face down with your hands at your sides and your face straight down. Slowly raise your head upward toward the ceiling, as if you wanted to touch your nose to the ceiling. Your goal is to extend your head slowly, beginning to move the vertebra at the base of the skull and moving down your spine slowly, one vertebra at a time. Keep your shoulders down as long as possible. Continue to raise your head and neck up until you can go no further without your shoulders rising.
B. Now slide your hands under your chest, with your fingers pointing at each other. Keep your head extended as far as possible. Using your hands, push yourself up and arch your back. Keep your head as far back as possible. Go slowly from your shoulders downward. Continue until your pubic bone begins to rise from the floor.
C. At this point stop and begin to reverse the process, slowly returning to the floor, one vertebra at a time. Your head should remain extended until your hands can be returned to your sides.
D. Begin bringing your neck and face back to the floor. Pause and rest, then repeat the process for a total of three repetitions.